
2021-06-21 12:55:12 字數 1521 閱讀 6418

/*given an input string, reverse the string word by word. for example, given s = "the sky is blue", return "blue is sky the". click to show clarification. clarification: what constitutes a word? a sequence of non-space characters constitutes a word. could the input string contain leading or trailing spaces? yes. however, your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces. how about multiple spaces between two words? reduce them to a single space in the reversed string. */



//比如說「i   am   a   student」反轉為」tneduts a ma i」,

//然後再逐個單詞反轉,最後得到「student a  am  i」。

#include #include #include using namespace std;

class solution ;

void solution::removeextraspace(string& strsource)


}strsource = s1;

}void solution::delnullstart(string& strsource)

void solution::reverseallchar(string& strsource,int istart, int iend)

void solution::reversewords(string& strsource)

{ int len;


len = strsource.size();




len = strsource.size();

int istart = 0;

int iend = 0;

bool flag = false;

for(int i =0; idelnullstart(strsource);

cout<<"reverseword reault:"cout<<"reverseword reault:"solution->reversewords(strsource);

cout<<"reverseword reault:"<


題目 輸入乙個英文句子,翻轉句子中單詞的順序,但單詞內字元的順序不變。句子中單詞以空格符隔開。為簡單起見,標點符號和普通字母一樣處理。例如輸入 i am a student.則輸出 student.a am i 乙個比較好的思路是將給定句子中的所有字母進行反轉 成 margorp xunil evo...

劍指Offer 反轉單詞順序(Java)

問題描述 輸入乙個英文句子,反轉句子中的單詞的順序,但單詞內字元的順序不變 為簡單起見,標點符號與普通字元當做一樣處理 示例 輸入 i am a student.輸出 student a am i 策略 策略是先反轉整個字串,在根據空格劃分單詞,然後依次反轉每個單詞 public class rev...

A 單詞反轉

a.單詞反轉 time limit 1000 ms memory limit 65536 kb total submissions 669 accepted 326 description 給你一些英文句子,請將這些句子中的每個英語單詞反轉,然後再將其輸出。這裡所說的英語單詞僅由大 小寫英文本母組成...