
2021-07-02 03:28:47 字數 4177 閱讀 9206


function batchshare(billno,billcode,ruleid,dbtype) else if(doclx == "b") else if(doclx == "c") else if(doclx == "d") else

var arr_fld = fldlist.split(",");

var retstr = "";

for(var i = 0; i < arr_fld.length; i++)


}else if(retlx == 1)else else }}

if (retlx == 0 || retlx == 2)

}function _reggoodsoccu(billno,billsn,billcode,ruleid,dsoccu,row)


function _chkbal() else

var chkret = dbutil.uniquevalue(fkclj);

if(! utility.isspace(chkret)) }/*


hz 貨主,使用hz desc時,優先貨主為本機構

placenum 可開數量

xq 批號有效期

*/var ftgz = "order by hz desc,placenum desc";

var sqlnotes = "";

sqlnotes += " select 0 as ftnum,'n' as ftwc,"+_copynotesdt("a.","","a",0,0)+""

sqlnotes += " ,d.whname,c.goodscode,c.goodsname,d.iscontrol"

sqlnotes += " ,b.ruleid,'' as batchcode,'' as producedate,'' as valdate,'' as sterilcode,'' as sysdates"

sqlnotes += " from ecnotesdt a"

sqlnotes += " join ecnotesmt b on a.billno = b.billno and a.entid = b.entid"

sqlnotes += " join goodsdoc c on a.goodsid = c.goodsid and a.entid = c.entid"

sqlnotes += " join storehouse d on a.whid = d.whid and a.entid = d.entid"

sqlnotes += " where a.billno = "+billno;

var dsnotes = dbutil.opendataset(sqlnotes, {});

if(dsnotes.recordcount == 0) else

if(dsnotes.getvalueat(i, "iscontrol").equals("n"))

var regsql = ;//臨時占用記錄


if (parsefloat(dsnotes.getvalueat(i,"basenum")) - parsefloat(dsnotes.getvalueat(i,"ftnum")) <= 0

|| dsnotes.getvalueat(i, "ftwc").equals("y"))

var anglebal = "";

anglebal +=" select a.goodsid,a.angleid,a.locatid,b.whid,a.ownerid";

if(dbtype.equals("oracle")) else

anglebal +=" ,case when a.ownerid = d.orgid then 2 else 1 end as hz,e.valdate as xq";

anglebal +=" from anglebalance a";

anglebal +=" join storeroom b on a.locatid = b.locatid and a.entid = b.entid";

anglebal +=" join storehouse d on b.whid = d.whid and b.entid = d.entid";

anglebal +=" join goodsdoc c on a.goodsid = c.goodsid and a.entid = c.entid";

anglebal +=" left join batchcode e on a.angleid = e.angleid and a.goodsid = e.goodsid and a.entid = e.entid"

anglebal +=" left join(";

anglebal +=" select entid,ownerid,goodsid,angleid,locatid,sum(basenum) as basenum ";

anglebal +=" from goodsoccu";

anglebal +=" group by entid,ownerid,goodsid,angleid,locatid";

anglebal +=" ) x on a.angleid = x.angleid and a.goodsid = x.goodsid and a.locatid = x.locatid";

anglebal +=" and a.ownerid = x.ownerid and a.entid = x.entid";

anglebal +=" where a.salesstate=0"

anglebal +=" and a.goodsid = '"+dsnotes.getvalueat(i,"goodsid")+"'";

anglebal +=" and b.whid = '"+dsnotes.getvalueat(i,"whid")+"'";

anglebal +=" and a.entid = '"+dsnotes.getvalueat(i,"entid")+"'";

if(dbtype.equals("oracle")) else

anglebal +=" "+ftgz;

var dsanglebal = dbutil.opendataset(anglebal, {});//檢索該庫房品種的可分攤批號結存

if(dsanglebal.recordcount == 0) else

for(var j = 0;j < dsanglebal.recordcount;j++) else if (ballastnum < alastnum)

}}else else if (ballastnum < alastnum) }}


if(ballastnum <= 0)


if(alastnum > 0)



}var sqllist = ;

sqllist[sqllist.length] = "delete from ecnotesdt where billno = "

+dsnotes.field("billno").value+" and entid = '"



var isbatch = false;

for(var i = 0; i < dsnotes.recordcount;i++) else


dbutil.batchupdate("delete from goodsoccu where billcode = '批號分攤占用'");


//批號建立   明細中存在不同庫房時可考慮該建立方法放在明細迴圈中


for(var i = 0; i < dsnotes.recordcount;i++)


//負庫存攔截 客開可考慮使用




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C tcp伺服器端

伺服器端 include stdafx.h include winsock2.h pragma comment lib,ws2 32.lib include using namespace std int tmain int argc,char ar 建立套接字 sserver socket af ...