資料幫浦聯合dblink 使用場景

2021-07-04 19:34:21 字數 4188 閱讀 1789

一 、expdp可以通過dblink來實現把匯出檔案直接放在客戶端

1、在客戶端資料庫建立db link和要儲存資料檔案的目錄(在system 使用者下操作)

create database link fbfj

connect to system identified by ora1q23$az

using '(description =

(address_list =

(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = ***.***.***.***)(port = 1521))

)(connect_data =

(service_name = fbfj)


create directory dir_test as '/oradata/dmptest';


expdp 'system/"ora1q23$az"' schemas= usr_q9fj directory=dir_test network_link=fbfj dumpfile=fbfj%u.dmp logfile=fbfj.log  parallel=4

二、expdp + dblink 與expdp +nfs 比較

1、expdp + dblink 

[.com_oracle:/oradata/dmptest$ expdp 'system/"ora1q23$az"' schemas= usr_q9fj directory=dir_test network_link=fbfj dumpfile=fbfj%u.dmp logfile=fbfj.log  parallel=2

export: release - production on mon aug 24 16:17:24 2015

connected to: oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

flashback automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.

starting "system"."sys_export_schema_01": system/******** schemas= directory=dir_test network_link=fbfj dumpfile=fbfj%u.dmp logfile=fbfj.log parallel=2

estimate in progress using blocks method...

processing object type schema_export/table/table_data

total estimation using blocks method: 93.67 gb

processing object type schema_export/user

dump file set for system.sys_export_schema_01 is:



job "system"."sys_export_schema_01" successfully completed at 17:32:02

dmp 檔案為 82g ,用時 70分鐘 

2、 expdp +nfs 

nfs 引數:

10.9.:/data        /tmpdata        nfs     rsize=32768,wsize=32768,hard,nointr,rw,bg,vers=3,tcp,noac,nolock,actimeo=0,timeo=600 0 0

export: release - 64bit production on monday, 17 august, 2015 11:18:21


connected to: oracle database 10g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

flashback automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.

starting "system"."sys_export_schema_04": system/******** schemas= usr_q9fj directory=dir_hlb dumpfile=fbfj_%u.dmp logfile=fbfj.log parallel=2 flashback_scn=1463086658

estimate in progress using blocks method...

processing object type schema_export/table/table_data

total estimation using blocks method: 84.48 gb

dump file set for system.sys_export_schema_04 is:



job "system"."sys_export_schema_04" successfully completed at 12:37:44

[oracle@oradb1 tmpdata]$

dmp 檔案 72g ,用時 80分鐘。

從上可以看出當paralle 為 2 的時候,expdp + dblink  的效能優於 expdp + nfs

三、impdp +dblink 實現不落地匯入

條件跟(一) 一樣

耗時 100分鐘 。

單獨匯入 需要30 分鐘,所以 expdp + dblink +impdp 與 impdp + dblink的 效率差不多,但是優於  expdp + nfs + impdp ,但是 impdp + dblink 方法最省事。

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