
2021-07-10 09:28:12 字數 1986 閱讀 9580

package com.examplexiaomo.xiaomo;

import android.r.anim;

import android.content.context;

import android.os.handler;

// private static context mmaincontext;

private static handler mmainhandler;

private static long mmainthread;


public void oncreate()

/*** @return the mmaincontext

*/public static context getmaincontext()

/*** @param mmaincontext the mmaincontext to set

*/public static void setmaincontext(context mmaincontext)

/*** @return the mmainhandler

*/public static handler getmainhandler()

/*** @param mmainhandler the mmainhandler to set

*/public static void setmainhandler(handler mmainhandler)

/*** @return the mmainthread

*/public static long getmainthread()

/*** @param mmainthread the mmainthread to set

*/public static void setmainthread(long mmainthread)



package com.examplexiaomo.xiaomo.utils;

import android.r.anim;

import android.content.context;

import android.content.res.resources;

import android.os.handler;

public class uiutils

/*** 獲取資源*/

public static resources getresources()

/*** 獲取*/

public static string getstring(int resid)

public static string getstringarray(int resid)

public static int getcolor( int resid )

/*** 獲取主線程的handler*/

public static handler getmainhandler()

/*** 獲取主線程id號*/

public static long getmainthread()

/*** 安全的重新整理ui操作*/

public static void posttasksaftly(runnable task)else


* 根據手機的解析度從 dp 的單位 轉成為 px(畫素)


public static int dip2px(float dpvalue)


* 根據手機的解析度從 px(畫素) 的單位 轉成為 dp


public static int px2dip(float pxvalue)



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