
2021-07-11 01:18:00 字數 2395 閱讀 5945

很多時候遇到統計資料的問題,比如統計半年,每個月,每天24小時等等。 每月


select cyear, cmonth,

--, cday ,chour,cmin,

count(1) from (

select * from(

select to_date(substr(o.create_iodt,0,8),'yyyy-mm-dd') create_date, substr(create_iodt,0, 4) cyear, substr(create_iodt,5, 2) cmonth, substr(create_iodt,7, 2) cday ,substr(create_iodt,9, 2) chour,substr(create_iodt,11, 2) cmin, o.*

from sps_order o where o.order_type_id = 'ep' and o.is_root = 1 and

o.create_iodt > to_char(sysdate-220,'yyyymmddhh24miss') ||'.000'

) where create_date > add_months(sysdate,-5)

) where cyear = '2015' or cyear = '2016'

group by cyear, cmonth order by cyear, cmonth;



add_months(sysdate, -5) 在當前月份上進行減5.

對cyear, cmonth進行group,同時使用count(1)對行進行統計。獲取每個月的資料量。 每天


select cyear, cmonth,

cday ,--chour,cmin,

count(1) from (

select * from(

select to_date(substr(o.create_iodt,0,8),'yyyy-mm-dd') create_date, substr(create_iodt,0, 4) cyear, substr(create_iodt,5, 2) cmonth, substr(create_iodt,7, 2) cday ,substr(create_iodt,9, 2) chour,substr(create_iodt,11, 2) cmin, o.*

from sps_order o where o.order_type_id = 'ep' and o.is_root = 1 and

o.create_iodt > to_char(sysdate-220,'yyyymmddhh24miss') ||'.000'

) where create_date > add_months(sysdate,-5)

) where cyear = '2015' or cyear = '2016'

group by cyear, cmonth, cday order by cyear, cmonth, cday;



select cyear, cmonth,

cday ,chour,--cmin,

count(1) from (

select * from(

select to_date(substr(o.create_iodt,0,8),'yyyy-mm-dd') create_date, substr(create_iodt,0, 4) cyear, substr(create_iodt,5, 2) cmonth, substr(create_iodt,7, 2) cday ,substr(create_iodt,9, 2) chour,substr(create_iodt,11, 2) cmin, o.*

from sps_order o where o.order_type_id = 'ep' and o.is_root = 1 and

o.create_iodt > to_char(sysdate-220,'yyyymmddhh24miss') ||'.000'

) where create_date > add_months(sysdate,-5)

) where cyear = '2016' and cmonth = '04'

group by cyear, cmonth, cday,chour order by cyear, cmonth, cday, chour;

SQLServer 統計資料量

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SQLServer 統計資料量

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