
2021-07-11 09:39:36 字數 2048 閱讀 5471


/* 高位全0,低n位全1 */

#define low_n_bits_one(n) ((1<>3)

#define div16(num) ((num)>>4)

#define div32(num) ((num)>>5)

/* 餘數進製求商 */

#define updiv8(num) (((num)>>3) + !!((num) & 0x7))

#define updiv16(num) (((num)>>4) + !!((num) & 0xf))

#define updiv32(num) (((num)>>5) + !!((num) & 0x1f))

/* 求餘 */

#define m8(num) ((num) & 0x7)

#define m16(num) ((num) & 0xf)

#define m32(num) ((num) & 0x1f)

/* 求反餘

即求最小的x,滿足(num + x) % 模數 == 0

例如 rm16(num) 等價於 (16 - num%16) % 16 */

#define rm8(num) ((~(num) + 1) & 0x7)

#define rm16(num) ((~(num) + 1) & 0xf)

#define rm32(num) ((~(num) + 1) & 0x1f)


int __builtin_ffs (unsigned int x)

returns one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit of x, or if x is zero, returns zero.

int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)

returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit position.

if x is 0, the result is undefined.

int __builtin_ctz (unsigned int x)

returns the number of trailing 0-bits in x, starting at the least significant bit position.

if x is 0, the result is undefined.

int __builtin_clrsb (int x)

returns the number of leading redundant sign bits in x, i.e. the number of bits

following the most significant bit that are identical to it. there are no special cases

for 0 or other values.

int __builtin_popcount (unsigned int x)

returns the number of 1-bits in x.

int __builtin_parity (unsigned int x)

returns the parity of x, i.e. the number of 1-bits in x modulo 2.


如果在上述函式名後面加上l或ll,則運算元寬度就分別對應long或long long。

Go 語言高效能程式設計

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