
2021-07-12 07:37:09 字數 2179 閱讀 4530

以下列出的兩種情況均是在tuxedo客戶端執行過程中遇到的問題。(visual studio編譯)





003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: 06-03-2016: client high water (), total client ()              

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: 06-03-2016: tuxedo version with vs2010, 32-bit

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:602: error: tuxconfig environment variable not set

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.1: libtux_cat:588: error: unable to open tuxconfig file

003702.test!?proc.5756.3172.-2: -1, tpinit failed, tperrno = 12



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