Oracle中的order by分頁排序問題

2021-07-16 12:44:11 字數 1643 閱讀 7983




create table subject_manage

( id varchar2(32) not null,

subjectname varchar2(50),

examtaskid varchar2(32),

examtype varchar2(100)

)comment on table subject_manage

is '用於高考、成考、自考等考試型別的科目日常管理。';

-- add comments to the columns

comment on column subject_manage.subjectname

is '科目名稱';

comment on column subject_manage.examtaskid

is '考試型別id';

comment on column subject_manage.examtype

is '考試型別名稱';

comment on column subject_manage.starttime


select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from (  select id,subjectname,examtaskid, examtype  from subject_manage where 1=1   order by examtype ) row_ where rownum <= index * pagesize) table_alias where table_alias.rownum_ >= (index - 1) * pagesize + 1


examtype 列並不能確定其唯一性,那麼oracle在每次執行排序時並不能確定資料的唯一性,導致同樣的排序順序但是每次執行時並不能保證得到一樣的結果。


select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from (  select id,subjectname,examtaskid, examtype  from subject_manage where 1=1   order by examtype,id ) row_ where rownum <= index * pagesize) table_alias where table_alias.rownum_ >= (index - 1) * pagesize + 1
有以上的結論之後處理方法也就簡單明瞭了,order by中的字段必須能夠確保唯一即可

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十一 Sql server中order by的用法

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