yii phpexcel 匯入資料和匯出資料

2021-07-22 18:35:18 字數 1659 閱讀 4999

在做網頁的設計的同時我們不可避免的要使用這類資料型外掛程式,至於highchart 之後也會有所介紹




use yii\base\model;

use yii\web\uploadedfile;

/** * uploadform is the model behind the upload form.

*/class uploadform extends model



use yii\widgets\activeform;


<?php $form = activeform::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]) ?>

<?= $form->field($model, 'file')->fileinput() ?>


<?php activeform::end() ?>

<3>然後就是上傳的controller 了


use yii;

use yii\web\controller;

use yii\web\uploadedfile;

class uploadcontroller extends controller} }

return $this->render('upload', ['model' => $model]);


<4>就是model 的函式處理了

public function excelto($mingzhi,$geshi,$time)

} $phpexcel = $phpreader->load($filepath);


$currentsheet = $phpexcel->getsheet(0);


$allcolumn = $currentsheet->gethighestcolumn();


$allrow = $currentsheet->gethighestrow();



for($currentrow = 2;$currentrow <= $allrow;$currentrow++)

} //echo "

"; //var_dump($val);die;


return $results;


}// 這個就直接把excel中的資料打包成陣列集了

public function insetindb($val)

}return $flog;


這之後就可以用迭代拿出結果內容處理了 。現在還不知道怎麼處理折線圖。

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