2021-07-23 07:27:51 字數 2539 閱讀 2340

#import "viewcontroller.h"

@inte***ce viewcontroller ()

@property(nonatomic,strong)glkbaseeffect *baseeffect;


typedef structscenevertex;

typedef struct scene********;

static const scenevertex vertexa =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexb =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexc =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexd =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexe =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexf =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexg =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexh =

, };

static const scenevertex vertexi =

, };

static scene******** scene********make(const scenevertex vertexa,const scenevertex vertexb,const scenevertex vertexc);

static void caculatenormalfor********s(scene******** *********);

@implementation viewcontroller

@synthesize baseeffect;

- (void)viewdidload


gluint position;

glgenbuffers(1, &position);

glbindbuffer(gl_array_buffer, position);

glbufferdata(gl_array_buffer, sizeof(********s), ********s, gl_dynamic_draw);


glvertexattribpointer(glkvertexattribposition, 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(scenevertex), null+offsetof(scenevertex, position));


glvertexattribpointer(glkvertexattribnormal, 3, gl_float,gl_false, sizeof(scenevertex), null+offsetof(scenevertex, normal));

}- (ibaction)rotate:(id)sender

-(void)glkview:(glkview *)view drawinrect:(cgrect)rect

- (void)didreceivememorywarning

- (ibaction)low:(id)sender

glbufferdata(gl_array_buffer, sizeof(********s), ********s, gl_static_draw);

}- (ibaction)frustum:(id)sender

- (ibaction)far:(id)sender

- (ibaction)high:(id)sender

glbufferdata(gl_array_buffer, sizeof(********s), ********s, gl_static_draw);

}- (ibaction)near:(id)sender


static scene******** scene********make(const scenevertex vertexa,const scenevertex vertexb,const scenevertex vertexc)

static void caculatenormalfor********s(scene******** *********)

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