STM32L1學習筆記04 晶振設定

2021-07-25 19:06:05 字數 640 閱讀 8721


檢視介紹sensornode例程的晶振是12mhz, sk和另乙個都是16mhz。下面例項講解下如何調整到16mhz,看下晶振如何設定。


#if !defined (hse_value)

//#define hse_value ((uint32_t)12000000) /*!< value of the external oscillator in hz */

#define hse_value ((uint32_t)16000000) /*!< value of the external oscillator in hz */



rcc_oscinitstruct.pll.pllmul = rcc_pll_mul6; //rcc_pll_mul8
mdk project setting

option for target: xtal: 12mhz -> 16mhz


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