SQL 第六章簡答題

2021-07-27 10:39:59 字數 2486 閱讀 9569


begin transaction

declare @errorsum int

declare @rid varchar(50)

declare @bid varchar(50)

select @rid=rid from reader where rname='張無忌'

select @bid=bid from book where bname='深入。net平台和c#程式設計'

set @errorsum=0

insert into borrow(rid,bid)values (@rid,@bid)

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

update book set bcount=bcount-1 where bname=' 深入。net平台和c#程式設計'

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

update reader set lendnum=lendnum+1 where rname='張無忌'

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

if @errorsum<>0

rollback transaction


commit transactiongo四

begin transaction

declare @errorsum int

declare @rid varchar(50)

declare @bid varchar(50)

select @rid=rid from reader where rname='劉冰冰'

select @bid=bid from book where bname='西遊記'

set @errorsum=0

insert into penalty(rid,bid,ptype,amount) values(@rid,@bid,'1',5.6)

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

update borrow set returndate=getdate() where bid=@bid

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

update reader set lendnum=lendnum-1 where rname='劉冰冰'

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

update book set bcount=bcount+1 where bid=@bid

set @errorsum=@errorsum+@@error

if @errorsum<>0

rollback transaction


commit transactiongo五

use library


if exists (select * from sysindexes

where name = 'ix_book_bookname')

drop index book.ix_book_bookname --刪除索引


create index ix_book_bookname

on book(bname)

with fillfactor = 30


if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='view_borrow')

drop view view_borrow

gocreate view view_borrow

as select 圖書名稱=book.bname,到期時間=borrow.willdate,讀者姓名=book.bname

from borrow,book

with (index = ix_book_bookname)

where book.bid=borrow.bid

--order by borrow.willdate

goselect * from view_borrow


if exists(select *from sysobjects where name='view_book')

drop view view_book

gocreate view view_book

as select 圖書名稱=bname,圖書總量=bcount,可借閱量=bcount-(

select count(*) from borrow where returndate is null and borrow.bid = book.bid

) from book

with (index = ix_book_bookname)

goselect * from view_book


1.借閱事務 事務操作借書 begin transaction declare errorsum int declare rid varchar 50 declare bid varchar 50 select rid rid from reader where rname 張無忌 select b...


begin transaction declare errorsum int declare rid varchar 50 declare bid varchar 50 select rid rid from reader where rname 張無忌 select bid bid from bo...


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