
2021-08-02 20:37:29 字數 1985 閱讀 2618


create tablespace wt

datafile 'h:\wt.dbf'

size 1024m autoextend on next 200m maxsize unlimited;


create temporary tablespace wt_temp

tempfile 'h:\wt_temp.dbf'

size 500m

autoextend on

next 100m maxsize 1024m;


create user wt identified by a

default tablespace wt

temporary tablespace wt_temp

account unlock;


alter user wt identified by admin;


alter user wt account unlock;


grant resource,connect,dba to wt;


select username,sid,serial# from v$session;


alter system kill session'147,1250';


drop user wt cascade;


alter tablespace wt offline;

drop tablespace wt including contents and datafiles;


drop tablespace wt_temp including contents and datafiles;


exp wt/a@orcl file=h:\data.bmp log=h:\log


imp wt/a@orcl file=h:\data.dmp log=h:\log full=y ignore=y


select count(*) from v$process;


select value from v$parameter where name = 'processes';


alter system set processes=400 scope=spfile;


select count(*) from v$session;


select value from v$parameter where name = 'sessions';


alter system set sessions=455 scope=spfile;


sqlplus username/password@遠端ip:埠/例項


sqlplus username/[email protected]:1521/orcl


telnet 1521


1.解鎖oracle使用者下某個使用者 以內建的scott使用者為例 sql conn as sysdba sql alter user scott account unlock identified by tiger 解釋 首先要切換到sysdba使用者下,否則會提示 許可權不足 error at...


最近專案中用到,現記錄一下 新增主鍵 alter table shop spec detail add constraint spec detail id primary key id 新增索引 create index spec detail id on shop spec detail id 給...


今天接到乙個新任務 任務的主要內容簡單點說就是乙個下拉框,乙個查詢條件,乙個 table 顯示。當聽完的時候感覺真的是很簡單,這樣的事情也並非沒有做過。但是當靜下心來仔細分析需求,則會發現其與眾不同之處。1 下拉框中顯示的是我們整個模組的表名稱 2 查詢條件初步設想是根據時間查詢 3 table 第...