30 模式匹配高階實戰 巢狀的Case class

2021-08-07 14:33:23 字數 1040 閱讀 8301

有時候要表達一種類似於集合型別的元素,而元素本身的表示又是case class的例項,這時候就要用到巢狀

eg:書店中有很多書,很多書可以構成集合,而書本身用case class表達,集合也用case class表達。這時候就用巢狀。

package ce.scala.pp

//7abstract class item

case class book(description : string, price : double) extends item

case class bundle(description : string, price : double, item : item*) extends item


object pattern_match_case_class_nested_30

caseclass_nested(bundle("111 special" , 30.0,

book("scala for the spark developer", 69.95),

bundle("hadoop", 40.0,

book("hive", 79.95),

book("hbase", 32.95))))

caseclass_nested(bundle("1212 special" , 35.0, book("spark for the impatient", 39.95)))



the first description is scala for the spark developer

the first description is spark for the impatient


scala for the spark developer 69.95

spark for the impatient 39.95


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