C 檔案操作 獲取可執行檔案或DLL版本資訊

2021-08-07 20:38:37 字數 2292 閱讀 7812



#pragma comment(lib,"version.lib") 

#include #include int getversioninfo(unsigned int* major_ver, unsigned int* minor_ver, unsigned int* build_num, unsigned int* revision_num)

// get file version indo


dword dwhnd;

dword dwverinfosize;

if( 0 >= (dwverinfosize = getfileversioninfosize(versionfilepath,

&dwhnd)) )

buf = new char[dwverinfosize];

if( null == buf )

// get file version info





// read the list of languages and code pages.

struct langandcodepage


unsigned int cbtranslate;

if(!verqueryvalue(buf, "\\varfileinfo\\translation", (void**)&lptranslate, &cbtranslate))

// get fileversion string from resource

vs_fixedfileinfo* p_version;

unsigned int version_len = 0;

if(!verqueryvalue(buf, "\\", (void**)&p_version, &version_len))

s_major_ver = (p_version->dwfileversionms >> 16) & 0x0000ffff;

s_minor_ver = p_version->dwfileversionms & 0x0000ffff;

s_build_num = (p_version->dwfileversionls >> 16) & 0x0000ffff;

s_revision_num = p_version->dwfileversionls & 0x0000ffff;

/* get file comments

const char* p_comments;

unsigned int comments_len = 0;

sprintf_s(temp, sizeof(temp), "\\stringfileinfo\\%04x%04x\\comments", lptranslate[0].wlanguage, lptranslate[0].wcodepage);

if(!verqueryvalue(buf, temp, (void**)&p_comments, &comments_len))

*/} // return version number

if( null != major_ver )

if( null != minor_ver )

if( null != build_num )

if( null != revision_num )


delete buf;

return status;


unsigned int majorversion;

unsigned int minorversion;

unsigned int buildnumber;

unsigned int revisionnumber;

static char versionstring[max_path];





if( 0 == revisionnumber )


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