
2021-08-11 14:50:26 字數 4601 閱讀 8955


update dsjydd.t_cskqzlfx_dqst_ylts b set b.ylts = (

select c.ylts from (

select count(*) ylts,a.citycode from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish a where a.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual

)and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')


a.citycode in ('110000','120000','130100','130200','131000','130600',




group by a.citycode) c where c.citycode = b.citycode),

b.yltstb = (select case when ylts_qn = 0 then null else round((ylts_jn-ylts_qn)/ylts_qn,2) * 100 end yltstb  from (

select count(*) ylts_jn,e.citycode,

( select ylts_qn from (

select count(*) ylts_qn,p.citycode from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish p 

where p.quality in ('優','良')

and to_char(p.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= to_char(to_date(concat(year(sysdate),'-01'),'yyyy-mm') - 1 year,'yyyy-mm')

and to_char(p.timepoint,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= to_char((sysdate-1 day) -1 year,'yyyy-mm-dd')

and p.citycode in ('110000','120000','130100','130200','131000','130600',




group by p.citycode

) d where d.citycode = e.citycode) ylts_qn

from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish e  where e.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(e.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual)

and to_char(e.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')

and e.citycode in ('110000','120000','130100','130200','131000','130600',




group by e.citycode

) f where f.citycode = b.citycode)

where exists (select 1 from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish a where a.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual

)and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')

and a.citycode in ('110000','120000','130100','130200','131000','130600',




update dsjydd.t_cskqzlfx_dqst_ylts b set b.ylts = (

select c.ylts from (

select count(*) ylts,a.citycode from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish a where a.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual

)and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')

group by a.citycode) c where c.citycode = b.citycode),

b.yltstb = (select case when ylts_qn = 0 then null else round((ylts_jn-ylts_qn)/ylts_qn,2) * 100 end yltstb  from (

select count(*) ylts_jn,e.citycode,

( select ylts_qn from (

select count(*) ylts_qn,p.citycode from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish p 

where p.quality in ('優','良')

and to_char(p.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= to_char(to_date(concat(year(sysdate),'-01'),'yyyy-mm') - 1 year,'yyyy-mm')

and to_char(p.timepoint,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= to_char((sysdate-1 day) -1 year,'yyyy-mm-dd')

group by p.citycode

) d where d.citycode = e.citycode) ylts_qn

from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish e  where e.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(e.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual)

and to_char(e.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')

group by e.citycode

) f where f.citycode = b.citycode)

where exists (select 1 from tenv.air_citydayaqi_publish a where a.quality in ('優','良') 

and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') >= (

select concat(year(sysdate),'-01') from dual

)and to_char(a.timepoint,'yyyy-mm') <= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')


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