區塊鏈學堂(24) Struct型別

2021-08-14 08:38:15 字數 1142 閱讀 6971


struct person
pragma solidity 0.4.10;

contract demotypes9

person public personlist;


最初的合約只定義了struct person型別,以及乙個陣列person personlist

step 1-2後,完整**如下:

pragma solidity 0.4.10;


contract demotypes9

person public personlist;

function demotypes9()



function addperson (string _name, uint _***y, uint _age, string _mobile)

function addperson2 (string _name, uint _***y, uint _age, string _mobile) );


addperson2() 的方法簡潔了很多


pragma solidity 0.4.10;


contract demotypes9

person public personlist;

function demotypes9()

function addperson (string _name, uint _***y, uint _age, string _mobile)

function addperson2 (string _name, uint _***y, uint _age, string _mobile) );}}


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