
2021-08-19 23:39:45 字數 2687 閱讀 1389

stack   segment stack

dw 64 dup(?)

stack ends

code segment

assume cs:code


mov cx,26

mov bl,'a'

mov ah,02h

a1:mov dl,bl

int 21h

inc bl

loop a1

mov ah,4ch

int 21h

code ends

end start

data    segment

dw 12,34,56

data ends

code segment

assume cs:code,ds:data


mov ax,data

mov ds,ax

xor bx,bx

mov cx,0016

mov al,00


mov [bx],al

inc al

daainc bx

loop lop

int 20h

code ends

end start


data segment

data1 db '5','2','3','1'

data2 db '9','3','8','9','0'

data ends

stack segment para stack


db 64 dup(?)

stack ends

code segment

assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack,es:data

start proc far

push ds

mov ax,00h

push ax

mov ax,data

mov ds,ax

mov es,ax ;初始化程式

cld ;df=


lea si,data1;取1352的offset

lea di,data2;取9839的offset

mov cx,04h ;計算計算次數

mov ax,00h ;將暫存標誌暫存器的內容ah暫存器清0


lods data1 ;取串操作,[si]


sahf ;ah中內容送標誌reg

adc al,



aaa ;ascii碼運算的十進位制加法調整

lahf ;flag reg內容暫存ah中

or al,30h ;ascii——>al

stosb ;存串操作,al-



loop loop1 ;迴圈

and ah,01h ;carry flag->ah

or ah,30h ;最高位進製為ascii



,ah ;並送到data2的最後乙個字串

mov ah,02h ;dos中斷02h

mov cx,05h ;顯示資料位cx

loop2: ;

mov dl,



int 21h ;

dec di ;

loop loop2 ;

ret ;

code ends ;

end start ;

data segment

dw 6666h,7777h,8888h,9999h,0aaaah,0bbbbh,0cccch,0ddddh,0eeeeh,0ffffh

data ends

code segment

assume cs:code,ds:data


mov ax,data

mov ds,ax

mov cx,9

l1:mov dx,cx

mov bx,0

l2:mov ax,[bx]

inc bx

inc bx

cmp ax,[bx]

jle done

xchg [bx],ax

dec bx

dec bx

mov [bx],ax

inc bx

inc bx


dec dx

jne l2

loop l1

mov ax,4c00h

int 21h

code ends

end start

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