當天 三天 七天資料統計

2021-08-21 13:12:05 字數 4357 閱讀 9075


with s as (

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','當天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','當天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','3天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','3天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','3天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','3天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','3天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','3天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(getdate() as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-3,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-3,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-4,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-4,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-5,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-5,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-6,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',1 as 'do_code','7天入庫' as 'type'

union all

select cast(dateadd(dd,-6,getdate()) as date) as 'shift_date',0 as 'do_code','7天出庫' as 'type')

select s.type,sum(hand_num) as 'in_out_qty'

from [zws].[dbo].[zws] a left join s on a.shift_date=s.shift_date and a.do_code=s.do_code

where a.shift_date>='2018-07-10'

group by  s.type

order by  s.type 


select *,sum(qty) over(partition by right(shift_date,2) order by qty) as 'new_qty'


(select case when shift_date=cast(getdate() as date) and do_code=1 then '當天入庫'

when shift_date=cast(getdate() as date) and do_code=0 then '當天出庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) and do_code=1 then '3天入庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) and do_code=0 then '3天出庫' 

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-7,getdate()) as date) and do_code=1 then '7天入庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-7,getdate()) as date) and do_code=0 then '7天出庫' end as 'shift_date'

,sum(hand_num) 'qty'

from [zws].[dbo].[zws]

where shift_date>='2018-07-10'

group by case when shift_date=cast(getdate() as date) and do_code=1 then '當天入庫'

when shift_date=cast(getdate() as date) and do_code=0 then '當天出庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) and do_code=1 then '3天入庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) as date) and do_code=0 then '3天出庫' 

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-7,getdate()) as date) and do_code=1 then '7天入庫'

when shift_date<=cast(getdate() as date) and shift_date>=cast(dateadd(dd,-7,getdate()) as date) and do_code=0 then '7天出庫' end 

) s


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