數論 ( 求取大數n k的前3位與後3位)

2021-08-21 19:35:54 字數 2310 閱讀 5671

求取大數的後k位比較簡單  即利用快速冪  取c = 10^k就可以 

模板:( 以  k =  3 為例)

long long int quick_mod( long long int a, long  long int b )

a = ( a*a)%c;

b = b/2;

}//printf("%lld\n", ans);

return ans;

}如果求取前幾位 則需要用到下列公式 :

設 10^p = n^k

兩邊取對數 即 p = k*log( 10)( n )

然後 x = ( long long int )p 儲存p的整數部分

y = p-x 儲存 p的小數部分

則 10^p = 10^( x+y) = n^k

10^y = n^k/10^x

因為x 為整數  所以10^y 就相當於你n^k小數字向前移動了  又y >= 0  所以10^y >= 1所以

( long long int )( 10 ^ y *100)  double p = k*log10( double( n ) );

long long int x = ( long long int )p;

double y = p - x;

long long int an  = ( int )(pow( 10, y )*100);即為n^k 的前三位


you are given two integers:nandk, your task is to find the most significant three digits, and least significant three digits ofnk.


input starts with an integert (≤ 1000), denoting the number of test cases.

each case starts with a line containing two integers:n (2 ≤ n < 231)andk (1 ≤ k ≤ 107).


for each case, print the case number and the three leading digits (most significant) and three trailing digits (least significant). you can assume that the input is given such thatnkcontains at least six digits.

sample input

5123456 1

123456 2

2 31

2 32

29 8751919

sample output

case 1: 123 456

case 2: 152 936

case 3: 214 648

case 4: 429 296

case 5: 665 669

坑 : 最後三位為023 時也應該輸出023






using namespace std;

int quick_mod( long long int a, long  long int b )

a = ( a*a)%c;

b >>= 1;

}return ans;


int main()




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