常用oracle sql語句

2021-08-22 16:07:01 字數 2308 閱讀 3754


alter tablespace nm offline;

drop tablespace nm including contents and datafiles;

drop user nmcascade;

create tablespace nm

datafile '***1' size 500m autoextend on next 100m maxsize 2000m,

'***2' size 500m autoextend on next 100m maxsize unlimited

logging online permanent

extent management local

segment space management auto ;

create user "nm" identified by "mima" default tablespace "nm" temporary tablespace "temp" profile default account unlock;

grant "connect" to "nm";

grant "resource" to "nm";

grant unlimited tablespace to "nm";

alter user "nm" default role all;


exp schema/mima@cq_10.40.24.3 file="dddd"log=n owner=(schema)

imp system/[email protected] file=*** tablespaces=test1 fromuser=test1 touser=test1


虛擬光碟機: mount -o loop *.iso /mnt/cdrom

creat iso:dd if=/dev/cdrom of=*.iso

startserver server1

./apachectl start

解壓:tar zxvf x*.tar.gz

打包: tar -cf *.tar *.*

增加檔案: tar -rf *.tar *.*

解包: tar -xf *.tar

打壓縮包:tar -czf *.tar.gz *.*

解 *.gz : gunzip *.gz

檢視語言包 /etc/sysconfig/i18n

執行 system-config-language

rpm -ivh ttfonts_zh_cn

自啟動: /etc/rc.d/rc.local

檢視目錄大小: du -sh diname

硬碟大小: df -h



ifconfig eth0 ip


重新啟動網路: /etc/init.d/network restart

檢視22埠執行的程式: lsof -i :22

dns: /etc/reslov.conf

檢視埠情況: netstat -rn

停止防火牆: /sbin/service iptables stop

確系統啟動時執行 /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 iptables on

host檔案位置 /etc/host.conf

jdbc url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ip:port:sid

jndi 是什麼?


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