改變TABLE 字段

2021-08-23 15:13:59 字數 2628 閱讀 3201

-----------------create table-----------------------

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[argrms_h]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)

drop table [dbo].[argrms_h]

gocreate table [dbo].[argrms_h] (

[com_no] [varchar] (2) collate chinese_taiwan_stroke_ci_as not null ,

[f_taxamt] [decimal](10, 2) not null default (0)

)-----------------add column----------------------

if not exists (select * from syscolumns where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[rpt_kind]') and name='rp_order')


alter table rpt_kind

add [rp_order] [varchar] (2) collate chinese_taiwan_stroke_ci_as not null constraint [df_rpt_kind_rp_order] default ('0')


go-----------------drop column---------------------

if exists (select * from syscolumns where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[wsinv_h]') and name='arv_no')


alter table wsinv_h

drop constraint [df_wsinv_h_arv_no]

alter table wsinv_h

drop column [arv_no]


go-----------------change column type----------------------

if exists (select * from syscolumns where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[arver_detl]') and name='arvt_qty_p')


alter table arver_detl

drop constraint [df_arver_detl_arvt_qty_p]

alter table arver_detl

alter column [arvt_qty_p] [int] not null

alter table arver_detl

add constraint [df_arver_detl_arvt_qty_p] default 0 for [arvt_qty_p]



alter table apver_d_bat

alter column remark varchar(200)


update test set new_lolun=old_column;

commit ;

alter table table_name drop (old_column);


declare @csname varchar(100)

set @csname=''

select @csname=[name] --約束名稱

from sysobjects t

where id=(select cdefault from syscolumns where id=object_id(n'表名') and name='欄位名')


exec('alter table 表名 drop constraint '+@csname)


exec ('alter table 表名 nocheck constraint ' + @csname)


exec ('alter table 表名 check constraint ' + @csname)


if not exists (select * from syscolumns where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[sysefm]') and name='com_no')


alter table sysefm

add [com_no] [varchar] (2) collate chinese_taiwan_stroke_ci_as not null constraint [pk_sysefm] primary key (com_no)

constraint [df_sysefm_com_no] default ('')



select case when a.colorder 1 then d.name else end 表名,a.colorder 字段序號,a.name 欄位名,case when columnproperty a.id,a.name,isidentity 1 then else end 標識,ca...


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rest Serialzier 改變字段格式

我們用serializer返回json資料的時候,我們會發現有的字段不是我們想要的效果,比如乙個datetime型別的字段,會預設返回為 update time 2017 07 08t00 41 07.201525z 而我們想要的效果是 update time 2017 07 08 01 15 我們...