
2021-08-25 03:45:22 字數 1677 閱讀 6688

insert into wyl_spbl

select n5001,n5002,n5004,n5019,n5011,flje,flpm/flsl pmbl,flpm,flsl

from (select n5001,n5002,n5004,n5019,n5011,

sum(n5011) over (partition by n5001,n5004 order by n5001,n5004) flje,

row_number() over(partition by n5001,n5004 order by n5001,n5004,n5011 desc) flpm,

count(n5019) over(partition by n5001,n5004 order by n5001,n5004) flsl

from (select n5001,n5002,n5004,n5019,sum(n5011) n5011

from (select * from n501001 where n5002 like '10%'

union all select * from n501002 where n5002 like '10%'

union all select * from n50 where n5002 like '10%'),c01d

where n5001=c01d00 and n5019=c01d01 and n5001 <>'99'

and c01d27 in ('2','8')

and to_char(n5010,'yyyymmdd') between '20100101' and '20100331'

group by n5001,n5002,n5004,n5019))

select wyl_spa.*,decode(bl,null,'','是') from wyl_spa,

(select * from wyl_spbl where bl>=0.9 and n5001='16')

where c01d26=n5002(+) and c01d01=n5019(+)

order by xh

select c01d00 門店,c01d26 部門,c01d33 分類編碼,a1002 分類名稱,c01d01 商品編碼,c01d21 商品名稱,

c01d40 規格,c01d02 進價,c01d03 售價,c01d12 庫存數量,

decode(c01d31,'1','潛在','2','新品','3','正常','4','嶄停下單','5','嶄停付款','6','嶄停下單付款','7','終止') 商品狀態

from (select wyl_spbl.*,a1002 from wyl_spbl,a10 where n5004=a1001 and bl>=0.9),c01d

where n5001=c01d00 and n5019=c01d01

order by c01d26,c01d00,c01d33,c01d01

select n5001 門店,n5002 部門,n5004 分類編碼,a1002 分類名稱,count(n5019) 單品數 from

(select wyl_spbl.*,a1002 from wyl_spbl,a10 where n5004=a1001 and bl>=0.9)

group by n5001,n5002,n5004,a1002

order by n5002,n5001,n5004

cpu 占用百分之五十

include include include include include include using namespace std define us per ms 1000 define ms per sec 1000 define speed 60000000ul void thread i...

H 遇到百分之百的女孩

火車要開了,女孩一直目送那個男孩的離開,一步,兩步,直到男孩踏上車都沒有回過頭看女孩一眼。火車開了,女孩淚如雨下 我一直在等他回頭,只要一眼,我就跟隨他去。車上,男孩看著急速倒退的風景心口隱隱作痛 為什麼你不叫我一聲,只要一聲,我就為你留下 現在時光老人走在你的面前,對你說,如果你能回答我乙個問題,...


在軟體專案管理中,經常遇到這樣的情況 進度到百分之九十後開始停滯,要花很長很長時間很大很大代價 甚至超過前百分之九十所花費的工時 工期 才能完成最後的百分之十。我把這種情況叫作 軟體專案的百分之九十效應。西漢 劉向 戰國策 秦策五 詩云 行百里者半九十。此言末路之難也。通俗地講,做事情越接近成功越難...