iPhone 簡單手勢的判斷

2021-08-25 07:50:44 字數 688 閱讀 5516



- (void)touchesmoved:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event 


nslog(@"from right");

dirstring = kcatransitionfromright;

} else if (fabsf(starttouchposition.y - currenttouchposition.y) >=

horiz_swipe_drag_min &&

fabsf(starttouchposition.x - currenttouchposition.x) <=


else }

- (void)touchesended:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event



模擬ios原生手勢,簡單實現點選 雙擊 長按 滑動 拖動等功能。如下 cgesture.h actionlabel created by xujw on 16 3 15.手勢識別 仿iphone 簡單長按 點選 雙擊等 滑動 拖動等。使用方法 auto gesture cgesture create...

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