bash shell 常用快捷鍵

2021-08-25 13:46:28 字數 1589 閱讀 1312

bash shell 常用快捷鍵 收藏

ctrl 鍵相關的快捷鍵:

ctrl + a - jump to the start of the line

ctrl + e - jump to the end of the line

ctrl + f - move forward a char

ctrl + b - move back a char

ctrl + c - terminate the command //用的最多了吧?

ctrl + d - delete from under the cursor

ctrl + k - delete to eol

ctrl + l - clear the screen //清屏,類似 clear 命令

ctrl + r - search the history backwards //查詢歷史命令

ctrl + r - search the history backwards with multi occurrence

ctrl + u - delete backward from cursor // 密碼輸入錯誤的時候比較有用

ctrl + xx - move between eol and current cursor position

ctrl + x @ - show possible hostname completions

ctrl + z - suspend/ stop the command補充:

ctrl + h - 刪除當前字元ctrl + w - 刪除最後輸入的單詞

alt 鍵相關的快捷鍵:


alt + < - move to the first line in the history

alt + > - move to the last line in the history

alt + ? - show current completion list

alt + * - insert all possible completions

alt + / - attempt to complete filenamealt + . - yank last argument to previous command

alt + b - move backwardalt + c - capitalize the word

alt + d - delete wordalt + f - move forward

alt + l - make word lowercase

alt + n - search the history forwards non-incrementa

lalt + p - search the history backwards non-incremental

alt + r - recall commandalt + t - move words around

alt + u - make word uppercase

alt + back-space - delete backward from cursor// securecrt 如果沒有配置好,這個就很管用了。

bash shell 常用快捷鍵

ctrl 鍵相關的快捷鍵 ctrl a jump to the start of the line ctrl e jump to the endof the line ctrl f move forward a char ctrl b move back a char ctrl c terminat...

bash shell 常用快捷鍵

linux shell編輯模式有emacs 模式和vi模式。bash 預設的編輯模式為 emacs 編輯模式,以下命令僅在 emacs 模式有效 移動游標 ctrl b 前移乙個字元 backward ctrl f 後移乙個字元 forward alt b 前移乙個單詞 alt f 後移乙個單詞 c...


windows f2 當你選中乙個檔案的話,這意味著 重新命名 ctrl shift esc 或 ctrl alt delete開啟任務管理器 ctrl w關閉當前的視窗 windows鍵 d 顯示桌面 windows鍵 e 開啟我的電腦 windows鍵 r開啟 執行 對話方塊 ctrl f 定位...