
2021-08-25 16:31:41 字數 1282 閱讀 3450

create procedure proc_syn_data


set nocount on;

declare @id varchar(50);

declare @name varchar(100);

declare @keyid varchar(50);

declare @updatetime varchar(50);

-- 1.宣告游標

declare cur_monthid cursor for

select schoolid,sname from dbo.gk_schoolinfo

declare cur_monthid2 cursor for

select rareasid,updatetime from dbo.gk_resiareasinfo

-- 2.開啟游標

open cur_monthid

open cur_monthid2

-- 3.從乙個游標中查詢資訊,實現自己的資料處理。

fetch cur_monthid into @id,@name

fetch cur_monthid2 into @keyid,@updatetime

while @@fetch_status=0


select @id=schoolid,@name=sname from dbo.gk_schoolinfo

select @keyid=rareasid,@updatetime=updatetime from dbo.gk_resiareasinfo

fetch next from cur_monthid into @id,@name

fetch next from cur_monthid2 into @keyid,@updatetime



-- 4.關閉游標

close cur_monthid;

close cur_monthid2;

-- 5.釋放游標

deallocate cur_monthid;

deallocate cur_monthid2;


exec proc_syn_data;


返回值 說明

0fetch 語句成功。

-1fetch 語句失敗或行不在結果集中。



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