
2021-08-26 01:12:59 字數 925 閱讀 3377



create table tree

例子:with rpl (treesuperid, treeid, treename,level) as

(select root.treesuperid, root.treeid, root.treename,1 from tree root where root.treeid='120000'

union all

select child.treesuperid, child.treeid, child.treename,parent.level+1 from rpl parent, tree child where parent.treeid= child.treesuperid

) select rpl.treesuperid, rpl.treeid, rpl.treename from rpl where level =2



with rpl (treesuperid, treeid, treename) as

(select root.treesuperid, root.treeid, root.treename from tree root where root.treeid='120000'

union all

select child.treesuperid, child.treeid, child.treename from rpl parent, tree child where parent.treeid= child.treesuperid

) select rpl.treesuperid, rpl.treeid, rpl.treename from rpl

DB2 遞迴SQL寫法

with temptab pro komcode,pro komcode o,pro sup code as select root.pro komcode,root.pro komcode o,root.pro sup code from product root where pro komcod...


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Oracle SQL和DB2分頁查詢寫法介紹

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