Multi Touch 開發資源彙總

2021-08-27 12:51:03 字數 2672 閱讀 1512

//wpf multi-touch 開發:windows 7 安裝多點觸屏模擬器

wpf multi-touch 開發:基礎觸屏操作(raw touch)

wpf multi-touch 開發:高階觸屏操作(manipulation)

wpf multi-touch 開發:慣性效果(inertia)

wpf multi-touch 開發:高效開發模式

走進microsoft su***ce 的世界

microsoft su***ce toolkit beta 版發布

microsoft su***ce 設計與開發官方培訓

multi-touch on microsoft su***ce in windows 7 for .net developers

(pdc 2009)

windows 7 multitouch overview

(reed townsend and yochay kiriaty, may 2009)

defrag: windows 7 multitouch

(larry larsen, august 2009)

(reed townsend, pdc 2008)

touching windows 7

(engineering windows 7 blog, march 2009)

introducing the microsoft touch pack for windows 7

(the windows 7 team blog, may 2009)

multitouch capabilities in windows 7

(msdn magazine article, august 2009 )

windows touch architecture

(product documentation, msdn)

windows 7 online training: multitouch

(windows 7 online training: jaime rodriguez, yochay kiriaty)

windows touch deep dive

(pdc 2009)

programming windows 7 multitouch - part 1

(reed townsend, ian mendiola, and yochay kiriaty, may 2009)

programming windows 7 multitouch - part 2

(reed townsend, ian mendiola, and yochay kiriaty, may 2009)

getting started with windows touch messages

(product documentation, msdn)

getting started with windows touch gestures

(product documentation, msdn)

(gus class, msdn magazine, december 2009)

cog stacking example

(code gallery, november 2009)

manipulation and inertia sample

(windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch gesture sample

(mtgestures) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch gestures in c# sample

(mtgesturescs) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch manipulation sample

(mtmanipulation) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch scratchpad sample

(mtscratchpadwmtouch) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch scratchpad sample in c#

(mtscratchpadwmtouchcs) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch scratchpad using the real-time stylus sample

(mtscratchpadrtstylus) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows touch scratchpad using the real-time stylus in c# sample

(mtscratchpadrtstyluscs) (windows sdk, august 2009)

windows user experience guidelines for touch

(product documentation, msdn)

windows touch programming guide

(product documentation, msdn)

windows touch programming reference

(product documentation, msdn)

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