ACE教程003 建立乙個簡單的客戶端

2021-08-28 02:28:22 字數 1380 閱讀 8496

現在我們已經看到了如何建立伺服器,讓我們花一點時間建立乙個客戶端。 由於這很容易,我將在這一頁中完成所有這些操作。


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/* to establish a socket connection to a server, we'll need an

ace_sock_connector. */

#include "ace/sock_connector.h"

#include "ace/log_msg.h"

/* unlike the previous two tutorials, we're going to allow the user to

provide command line options this time. still, we need defaults in

case that isn't done. */

static u_short server_port = ace_default_server_port;

static const char *const server_host = ace_default_server_host;

static const int max_iterations = 4;

intmain (int argc, char *argv)

/* close the connection to the server. the servers we've created so

far all are based on the ace_reactor. when we close(), the

server's reactor will see activity for the registered event

handler and invoke handle_input(). that, in turn, will try to

read from the socket but get back zero bytes. at that point, the

server will know that we've closed from our side. */

if (server.close () == -1)

ace_error_return ((lm_error,




return 0;


好的,這很容易。 更容易的是將所有連線包裝在乙個物件中,並過載一些基本操作以減少以網路為中心的開發。 也許我們會在另乙個教程中看到它。

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