NLP 自然語言處理及計算語言學常見縮略語

2021-08-28 11:39:26 字數 3197 閱讀 8709


acl = association for computational linguistics(計算語言學協會)

afnlp = asian federation of natural language processing(亞洲自然語言處理聯盟)

ai = artificial intelligence(人工智慧)

alpac = automated language processing advisory committee(語言自動處理諮詢委員會)

asr = automatic speech recognition(自動語音識別)

cat = computer assisted/aided translation(計算機輔助翻譯)

cbc = clustering by committee

ccg = combinatory categorial grammar(組合範疇語法)

cicling = international conference on intelligent text processing and computational linguistics(國際智慧型文字處理與計算語言學大會)

cl = computational linguistics(計算語言學)

cobuild = collins birmingham university international language database(柯林斯伯明罕大學國際語言資料庫)

coling = international conference on computational linguistics(國際計算語言學大會)

crf = conditional random fields(條件隨機場)

drs = discourse representation structure(篇章表述結構)

drt = discourse representation theory(篇章表述理論)

eacl = european chapter of the association for computational linguistics

ebmt = example-based machine translation(基於例項的機器翻譯)

em = expectation maximization(期望最大化)

fahqmt = fully automated high-quality machine translation(全自動高質量機器翻譯)

fol = first order logic(一階邏輯)

hamt = human assisted/aided machine translation(人工輔助機器翻譯)

hlt = human language technologies(人類語言技術)

hmm = hidden markov model(隱馬爾科夫模型)

hpsg = head-driven phrase structure grammar(中心語驅動短語結構語法)

ie = information extraction(資訊抽取)

ir = information retrieval(資訊檢索)

ist = information society technologies(資訊社會技術)

kr = knowledge representation(知識表示)

lfg = lexical functional grammar(詞彙功能語法)

lsa = latent semantic analysis(潛在語義分析); linguistics society of america(美國語言學學會)

lsi = latent semantic indexing(潛在語義索引)

maht = machine assised/aided human translation(計算機輔助人工翻譯)

me = maximum entropy(最大熵)

mi = mutual information(互資訊)

ml = machine learning(機器學習)

mrd = machine-readable dictionary(機讀詞典)

mt = mechanical translation/machine translation (機器翻譯)

naacl = north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics

ne = named entity(命名實體)

nealt = northern european association for language technology

ner = named entity recognition(命名實體識別)

nlg = natural language generation(自然語言生成)

nlp = natural language processing(自然語言處理)

nlu = natural language understanding(自然語言理解)

nml = national museum of language

plsa = probabilistic latent semantic analysis(概率潛在語義分析)

pmi = pointwise mutual information(點間互資訊)

pos = part of speech(詞性)

rte = recognising textual entailment

slt = spoken language translation(口語翻譯)

svm = support vector machine(支援向量機)

tag = tree-adjoining grammar(樹鄰接語法)

tinlap = theoretical issues in natural language processing

tla = three-letter acronym(三字母縮略語)

tmi = theoretical and methodological issues (in machine translation)

trec = the text retrieval conference(文字檢索會議)

vsm = vector space model(向量空間模型)

wsd = word sense disambiguation(詞義消歧)


第1部分自然語言處理入門 1.1自然語言處理入門.mp4 第2部分hmm和crf 1.1crf模型簡介.mp4 1.1hmm模型介紹.mp4 1.2文字處理的基本方法 part1.mp4 2.1新聞主題分類任務 第4步 part2.mp4 第43部分rnn 1.1rnn模型小結.mp4 1.1rnn...


老實來講這課我一頭霧水滿腦袋問號 import numpy as np from collections import counter counttime 0 def seperate filename totalnum 0 郵件的總數 global counttime i 0 file open ...


acl association for computational linguistics 計算語言學協會 afnlp asian federation of natural language processing 亞洲自然語言處理聯盟 ai artificial intelligence 人工智慧...