
2021-08-28 22:58:20 字數 1297 閱讀 8951



如何開啟與關閉adb 的認證機制(google adb secure)


adb secure , ro.adb.secure , adb rsa 指紋認證


mtk 版本預設關閉adb 的位址認證機制,如果貴司需要開啟,可以修改alps/build/core/main.mk

ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging)))

# target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default

additional_default_properties += ro.debuggable=1

additional_default_properties += ro.adb.secure=1 ==> 如果想在eng load新增此功能,加這行

# include the debugging/testing ota keys in this build.

include_test_ota_keys := true

else # !enable_target_debugging

# target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default

additional_default_properties += ro.debuggable=0

additional_default_properties += ro.adb.secure=1 ==> 如果想在user load新增此功能,加這行

endif # !enable_target_debugging

l 以後版本可以修改 /device/mediatek/mt***x/device.mk :

而ro.adb.secure 這個system property 對於adbd 的控制點在alps/system/core/adb/adb.c 中的

property_get("ro.adb.secure", value, "0");

auth_enabled = !strcmp(value, "1");

if (auth_enabled)


需要注意的是,google 現在強制要求在user 版本中開啟adb rsa 指紋認證,如果您關閉,將無法通過google cts 測試.


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