
2021-08-29 13:25:51 字數 1644 閱讀 7421

他們演唱了許多著名的民謠,離家五百里(five hundred miles)就是流傳甚廣的一首。離家五百里(five hundred miles)頻繁使用數詞和重複手段,表達了人生路途之艱辛。主人公乘火車走了。「如果你沒趕上我這列火車,你會知道我已走,百里之外,你可聽見車笛在響。」在第一段重複了五遍a hundred miles,表達了他戀戀不捨,有此彷徨甚至淒涼之感。為什麼要走?要去往何方?火車不停地走,一百里,二百里、三百里,四百里,五百里。此刻,主人公離家已有五百里。在這第二段中, away from home共出現六次,即重複五次,表這了主人公對家的眷戀。第二段歌詞說他身無分文,這個樣子,這麼遙遠,不能回家。this away或this a way共出現六次,充分表明他的無可奈何,窮困在異地,不能返回家鄉。



離家五百里(five hundred miles)歌詞

if you miss the train i'm on,

you will know that i am gone,

you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

a hundred miles, a hundred miles,

a hundred miles, a hundred miles,

you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

lord, i'm one, lord, i'm two, lord,

i'm three, lord, i'm four, lord,

i'm five hundred miles a way from home.

away from home, away from home,

away from home, away from home,

lord, i'm five hundred miles away from home

not a shirt on my back, *(1)

not a penny to my name. *(2)

lord, i can't go back home this-a way.

this-a way, this-a way,

this-a way, this-a way,

lord, i can't go back home this-a way.

if you miss the train i'm on,

you will know that i am gone,

you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

a hundred miles, a hundred miles,

a hundred miles, a hundred miles,

you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

注釋(1).not a shirt on my back:窮得衣不遮體

(2).not a penny to my name:不名一文


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