PostgreSQL獲取所有的表資訊 字段資訊

2021-08-30 14:04:12 字數 1231 閱讀 6574


select   tablename   from   pg_tables  

where tablename not like 'pg%'

and tablename not like 'sql_%'

order by tablename;


select   tablename,obj_description(relfilenode,'pg_class')  from   pg_tables  a, pg_class b


a.tablename = b.relname

and a.tablename not like 'pg%'

and a.tablename not like 'sql_%'

order by a.tablename;


select col_description(a.attrelid,a.attnum) as comment,format_type(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) as type,a.attname as name, a.attnotnull as notnull

from pg_class as c,pg_attribute as a

where c.relname = 'tablename' and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum>0


select a.attnum,a.attname,concat_ws('',t.typname,substring(format_type(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) from '\(.*\)')) as type,d.description from pg_class c, pg_attribute a , pg_type t, pg_description d 

where  c.relname = 'table_name' and a.attnum>0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid and  d.objoid=a.attrelid and d.objsubid=a.attnum


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