
2021-08-31 12:27:36 字數 1744 閱讀 5378


create or replace package pkg_indexdata is

-- author  : yuanqiangl

-- created : 2011-6-8 12:18:08

-- purpose : 指標資料管理

-- public function and procedure declarations

function f_get_details(in_collogid in number, in_indexcode in number, in_orgno in varchar2) return number;

end pkg_indexdata;


create or replace package body pkg_indexdata is

-- function and procedure implementations

function  f_get_exceptioncnt(in_indexid in number,in_collogid in number, in_indexcode in number, in_orgno in varchar2)

return number is

out_cnt number;

v_sql varchar2(4000);

v_tab_name varchar2(256);



select det_table into v_tab_name from p_index where index_id = in_indexid ;

--注意:if不能這種格式:if(...)而且 if裡的條件 連線只能用  and  or ,跟null比較,要寫成 is null 或者 is not null

if v_tab_name is null or ''=trim(v_tab_name) then

return 0;

end if;

v_sql:='select count(1)  

from   '||v_tab_name||'  where col_log_id = '||in_collogid||'

and index_code = '||in_indexcode||'

and org_no in (select org_no

from v_o_org t where level = 2

start with t.org_no ='||in_orgno||'

connect by t.p_org_no = prior t.org_no)';

execute immediate v_sql  into out_cnt;

return      out_cnt;


end pkg_indexdata;

----注:執行動態sql時,若有增刪改的操作,則使用如"execute immediate v_sql returning into out_cnt;"

否則即簡單:execute immediate v_sql into out_cnt


select (pkg_indexdata.f_get_exceptioncnt(200,


a.org_no)  expcount  from test;



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