JSP 翻頁功能

2021-09-25 23:35:59 字數 2746 閱讀 8972



// 頁碼跳轉

function totablelist(userid, usergroup, pages) ,

error: function (xhr)



public modelandview gettablelist(

string userid, string usergroup, string condition1, string condition2, integer pages,

) if (usergroup == null)

if (condition1 == null)

if (condition2 == null)

if (pages == null)

if (isinit == null)

modelandview modelandview = new modelandview();

// 根據所有的引數確定返回結果共多少頁pagesnum,pages用於傳值,傳過去多少返回來多少



modelandview.addobject("totalpage", totalpage);

modelandview.addobject("tablelist", tablelist);


return modelandview;


public class checkparametersutil 

/*** 獲取checkparametersutil例項

* @return checkparametersutil

* @author: xuwei

*/public static checkparametersutil getinstance()

/*** 校驗

* @return datamessage

* @author: xuwei

* @throws exception

*/public void checkparameter() throws exception

} }

public string tostring(object object)

public boolean isempty(collection collection)

public boolean isempty(map map)

public boolean isempty(string string)

public boolean isemptytrim(string string)

public boolean isempty(object object)

public boolean isemptytrim(object object)

public boolean isempty(t array)




@param("userid") string userid, @param("condition1") string condition1,

@param("condition2") string condition2, @param("pages") integer pages



@param("userid") string userid, @param("condition1") string condition1,

@param("condition2") string condition2, @param("pages") integer pages



select count(*) as totalpages, cast(count(*)/100 as int)+1 as pagesnum, # as currentpage

,# as condition1, # as condition2

from t_stationinfo

where 1=1

and towncode = #

and condition1 like '%$%'

and condition2 = #

select *

from (select *, row_number() over (order by condition2) as rowno

from (select * from t_stationinfo

where 1 = 1

and towncode = #

and condition1 like '%$%'

and condition2 = #

) a) b

where b.rowno between (# -1)*100 and #*100

order by b.condition1


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