word VBA程式設計

2021-09-26 10:19:34 字數 2279 閱讀 9599




選中 年 月 日,刪除該選中內容。

sub 批量操作word()

dim path as string

dim filename as string

dim worddoc as document

dim mydir as string

mydir = "c:\users\csy\documents\tencent files\409023706\filerecv\平台需要的\平台需要的" '資料夾路徑根據需要自己修改,需要處理的檔案都放該資料夾內

filename = dir(mydir & "\*.docx*", vbnormal)

do until filename = ""

if filename <> thisdocument.name then

set worddoc = documents.open(mydir & "\" & filename)


call my '呼叫巨集,換成你自己巨集的名字

worddoc.close true

filename = dir()

end if


set worddoc = nothing

end sub

sub my()

selection.wholestory '全選

options.defaulthighlightcolorindex = wdnohighlight

selection.range.highlightcolorindex = wdnohighlight '背景色設無

selection.font.color = vbblack '字型顏色設黑

dim strbookmark as string '宣告

strbookmark = "po_table" '賦值

activedocument.bookmarks.add name:=strbookmark, range:=selection.range '給選中區域設定書籤

with selection.find

.text = "檢測:"

.replacement.text = ""

.forward = true

.wrap = wdfindcontinue

.format = false

.matchcase = true

.matchwholeword = false

.matchbyte = false

.matchallwordforms = false

.matchsoundslike = false

.matchwildcards = false

.matchfuzzy = true

end with '選中文件中文字'檢測:'

selection.find.execute '選中執行

selection.moveright unit:=wdcharacter, count:=1 '移動游標一格

strbookmark = "po_jc"

activedocument.bookmarks.add name:=strbookmark, range:=selection.range

with selection.find

.text = " 年 月 日 "

.replacement.text = ""

.forward = true

.wrap = wdfindcontinue

.format = false

.matchcase = true

.matchwholeword = false

.matchbyte = false

.matchallwordforms = false

.matchsoundslike = false

.matchwildcards = false

.matchfuzzy = true

end with '找到 年 月 日



end sub

Word Vba技巧總結

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