hgdb 實現Oracle pivo函式(APP)

2021-09-26 13:46:09 字數 1699 閱讀 4615




環境系統平台:microsoft windows (64-bit) 10





with temp as(

select '四川省' nation ,'成都市' city,'第一' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'綿陽市' city,'第二' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'德陽市' city,'第三' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'宜賓市' city,'第四' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'武漢市' city,'第一' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'宜昌市' city,'第二' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'襄陽市' city,'第三' ranking from dual

select * from (select nation,city,ranking from temp)pivot (max(city) for ranking in ('第一' as 第一,'第二' as 第二,'第三' as 第三,'第四' as 第四));

with temp as(

select '四川省' nation ,'成都市' city,'第一' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'綿陽市' city,'第二' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'德陽市' city,'第三' ranking from dual union all

select '四川省' nation ,'宜賓市' city,'第四' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'武漢市' city,'第一' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'宜昌市' city,'第二' ranking from dual union all

select '湖北省' nation ,'襄陽市' city,'第三' ranking from dual

select nation,

max(decode(ranking, '第一'::varchar, city, ''::varchar)) as 第一,

max(decode(ranking, '第二'::varchar, city, ''::varchar)) as 第二,

max(decode(ranking, '第三'::varchar, city, ''::varchar)) as 第三,

max(decode(ranking, '第四'::varchar, city, ''::varchar)) as 第四

from temp group by nation order by nation desc ;


hgdb 時區調整 APP

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