
2021-09-29 15:59:58 字數 2998 閱讀 9905



import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

print s


hello    10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64


import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

print s

print s["hello"]

s["hello"] = 100

s[1] = 110

print s

import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

for x in s.iteritems():

print x


('hello', 10)

('the', 11)

('cruel', 12)

('world', 13)

s["hello"] = 100

s[1] = 110

import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

print s

s[0] = 100

s.loc["the"] = 101['cruel'] = 201

s.ix[3] = 300

print s


hello    10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64

hello 100

the 101

cruel 201

world 300

dtype: int64

import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

print s, "<-org"

s.set_value("this", 8)

print s, "<-set_value"


hello    10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64 <-org

hello 10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

this 9

this 10

hello 10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

this 8

this 8

dtype: int64 <-set_value



import pandas as pd

idx = "hello the cruel world".split()

val = range(10, 14)

s = pd.series(val, index = idx)

print s, "<-org"

t = s[s > 11]

print t,"<- bool sel"

print s,"<- still"


hello    10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64 <-org

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64 <- bool sel

hello 10

the 11

cruel 12

world 13

dtype: int64 <- still

新生成的t是通過t = s[s > 11]語句得到的(布林選擇),而s沒有變化。t為:

cruel    12

world 13

dtype: int64 <- bool sel


series和dataframe是pandas中最常用的兩個物件 1。可以用numpy的陣列處理函式直接對series物件進行處理 2。支援使用位置訪問元素,使用索引標籤作為下標訪問元素 每個series物件實際上都是由兩個陣列組成 1 index 從ndarray陣列繼承的index索引物件,儲存...

Pandas庫的使用 Series

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pandas的資料結構 Series

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