
2021-09-30 02:21:32 字數 1564 閱讀 1140


「last updated by recon on 05/14/2001

「on error resume next



sendmail "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "normal mail!",

"please check the attatchment!", 2, 0, "c:/love.txt"


dim m_fso, m_tf

dim m_strhtml

set m_fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

set m_tf = m_fso.opentextfile("c:/mail.htm", 1)

m_strhtml = m_tf.readall

「write m_strhtml

set m_tf = nothing

set m_fso = nothing

sendmail "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "html mail!",

m_strhtml, 2, 1, null


「strfrom : 發件人email

「strto : 收件人email

「strsubject : 信件主題

「strbody : 信件正文

「lngimportance : 信件重要性

「 : 0 - 低重要性

「 : 0 - 中等重要性(預設)

「 : 0 - 高重要性

「lngatype : 信件格式

「 : 為1時將郵件正文作為html(此時可以傳送html郵件)

「strattach : 附件的路徑

sub sendmail(strfrom, strto, strsubject, strbody,

lngimportance, lngatype, strattach)

dim objmail

set objmail = server.createobject("cdonts.newmail")

with objmail

.from = strfrom

.to = strto

.subject = strsubject

.body = strbody

.importance = lngimportance

if lngatype = 1 then

.bodyformat = 0

.mailformat = 0

end if

if isempty(strattach) = false and isnull(strattach) = false


.attachfile strattach

end if


end with

set objmail = nothing

end sub


利用CDO Message傳送郵件

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方法一 using system.web.mail system.web.mail.mailmessage myemail new system.web.mail.mailmessage myemail.from email 163.myemail.to email 163.myemail.subj...

利用SQL Server傳送郵件

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