sql語句解決自增關鍵字重排 初始化問題

2021-09-30 05:19:57 字數 916 閱讀 3303




使用sql server的自增功能來管理表的關鍵字,時間久後由於刪除原因id會不連續,如何重新「整理」關鍵字id,使其重新從1開始,並且重置自增初始值為當前記錄個數?


exec sp_configure 'allow updates',1

reconfigure with overridego

/*取消標識列標記 */

update syscolumns set colstat = 0 where id = object_id('dbo.customer') and colstat = 1go


update   dbo.customer 

set   id=(select   count(1)   from   dbo.customer   where   id<=t.id)   

from   dbo.customer   tgo


declare @a int 

set @a=(select count(*) from dbo.customer)


dbcc checkident (customer, reseed, @a)go


update syscolumns set colstat = 1 where id = object_id('dbo.customer') and name = 'id'



exec sp_configure 'allow updates',0

reconfigure with override

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