Python 用 OpenCV 顯示文字 6

2021-09-01 00:16:39 字數 2185 閱讀 4099

利用 opencv 自帶的puttext() 函式繪製文字並顯示,其函式宣告如下:

cv2.puttext(img, text, org, fontface, fontscale, color[

, thickness[

, linetype[

, bottomleftorigin]]]


bottomleftorigin:為 true,影象資料原點在左下角;否則,影象資料原點在左上角



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""@time : 2018-11-13 21:47

@author :

@email : [email protected]

font type. one of font_hershey_******x, font_hershey_plain, font_hershey_duplex, font_hershey_complex,

font_hershey_triplex, font_hershey_complex_small, font_hershey_script_******x,

or font_hershey_script_complex, where each of the font id』s can be combined with font_italic

"""import numpy as np

import cv2 as cv

img = np.zeros(



), np.uint8)


print img.shape # 輸出:(320, 320, 3)

text =


org =(40

,80)fontface = cv.font_hershey_complex

fontscale =

1fontcolor =(0


)# bgr

thickness =

1 linetype =

4bottomleftorigin =

1# cv.puttext(img, text, org, fontface, fontscale, fontcolor, thickness, linetype, bottomleftorigin)

cv.puttext(img, text, org, fontface, fontscale, fontcolor, thickness, linetype)

text =

''org =(10


)fontface = cv.font_hershey_triplex

fontscale =

0.5fontcolor =(0


)# bgr

thickness =

1 linetype =

4bottomleftorigin =

1cv.puttext(img, text, org, fontface, fontscale, fontcolor, thickness, linetype)





, img)

cv.waitkey (


)# 顯示 10000 ms 即 10s 後消失




python 安裝 opencv 及顯示影象 (1)

python 用 opencv 畫點和圓 (2)

python 用 opencv 畫直線 (3)

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python 用 opencv 畫橢圓 (5)

python 用 opencv 顯示文字 (6)

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