
2021-09-03 10:52:10 字數 3435 閱讀 4016

當日有個變更需求,需要提取資料到壓測環境下,在impdp匯入過程中發現. .

. . imported "rcs"."t_rcs_mer_day":"pmax" 0 kb 0 rows

processing object type table_export/table/comment

processing object type table_export/table/index/index


mon jun 04 15:47:31 2018

statement in resumable session 'sys.sys_import_full_01.1' was suspended due to

ora-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace rcs_idx


mon jun 04 16:06:14 2018

alter database datafile '/u01/yace/datafile/yace/rcs_idx_01.dbf' resize 30g

mon jun 04 16:06:26 2018

completed: alter database datafile '/u01/yace/datafile/yace/rcs_idx_01.dbf' resize 30g

mon jun 04 16:06:26 2018

statement in resumable session 'sys.sys_import_full_01.1' was resumed


processing object type table_export/table/comment

processing object type table_export/table/index/index

processing object type table_export/table/constraint/constraint

processing object type table_export/table/index/statistics/index_statistics

processing object type table_export/table/statistics/table_statistics

job "sys"."sys_import_full_01" successfully completed at mon jun 4 16:09:10 2018 elapsed 0 00:23:05



[oracle@yace ggs12]$ ./ggsci

oracle goldengate command interpreter for oracle

version oggcore_12.

linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), oracle 11g on jul 21 2017 20:31:38

operating system character set identified as utf-8.

ggsci (yace) 1> info all

program status group lag at chkpt time since chkpt

manager running

extract running extzw 00:00:00 00:00:05

extract running pmpzw 00:00:00 00:00:05

replicat running repzw 00:00:00 00:00:04

ggsci (yace) 2> info repzw

replicat repzw last started 2018-05-10 18:58 status running

checkpoint lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:00 ago)

process id 98477

log read checkpoint file /home/oracle/ogg/ggs12/dirdat/t1000000040

2018-06-04 16:37:32.000442 rba 84950052



OGG 使用pump程序配置複製

root source su oracle oracle source gg ggsci oracle goldengate command interpreter for oracle version oggcore platforms 120423.0...

temp表空間不足 oracle之臨時表空間組

在乙個臨時表空間 組中,使用者可以定義很多臨時表 空間。乙個臨時表空間組包含至少乙個臨時表空間,但是沒有包含最大個臨時表空間個數。注意,臨時表空間組的名子和臨時表空間的名字必須不相同,不然會出現錯誤。任何臨時表空間都可以 在乙個臨時 表空間中新增 刪除甚至 移動到其他臨時表空間組中。臨時表空間的好處...

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