
2021-09-04 13:32:00 字數 2625 閱讀 7458


if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'icstockbill_jade01') drop trigger icstockbill_jade01go

create trigger icstockbill_jade01 on icstockbill

for insert,updateas

declare @frob int,@finterid int,@ftrantype int,@fstatus int

select  @frob = frob,@finterid = finterid,@ftrantype = ftrantype,@fstatus = fstatus from inserted

--更新藍字,未審核狀態的 '銷售出庫單','領料單','委外出庫單','其他出庫單'的單價和金額


if @frob = 1 and @fstatus = 0 and (@ftrantype = 21 or @ftrantype = 24 or @ftrantype = 28 or @ftrantype = 29)



update a set fprice = isnull(b.forderprice,0),famount = isnull(b.forderprice,0) * fqty,fauxprice = isnull(b.forderprice,0)

from icstockbillentry a ,t_icitem b where a.fitemid = b.fitemid and a.finterid = @finterid

if @ftrantype = 24


update x set fprice = y.fprice,famount = y.fprice * fqty,fauxprice = y.fprice

from icstockbillentry x,

(select fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod as fperiods,

convert(decimal(18,2),case when fendqty = 0 then case when fsend <> 0 then fcredit/fsend end else fendbal / fendqty end) as fprice

from icinvbal

where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0) y,

(select fstockid,fitemid,max(fyear * 100 + fperiod) as fperiods from icinvbal

where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0 

group by fstockid,fitemid) z

where y.fstockid = z.fstockid and y.fitemid = z.fitemid and y.fperiods = z.fperiods

and x.fscstockid = y.fstockid and x.fitemid = y.fitemid



update x set fprice = y.fprice,famount = y.fprice * fqty,fauxprice = y.fprice

from icstockbillentry x,

(select fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod as fperiods,

convert(decimal(18,2),case when fendqty = 0 then case when fsend <> 0 then fcredit/fsend end else fendbal / fendqty end) as fprice

from icinvbal

where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0) y,

(select fstockid,fitemid,max(fyear * 100 + fperiod) as fperiods from icinvbal

where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0 

group by fstockid,fitemid) z

where y.fstockid = z.fstockid and y.fitemid = z.fitemid and y.fperiods = z.fperiods

and x.fdcstockid = y.fstockid and x.fitemid = y.fitemid

end /*

alter table icstockbill disable trigger icstockbill_jade01

alter table icstockbill enable trigger icstockbill_jade01



金蝶k3單據編碼規則 金蝶k3物料編碼規則

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