SQL大賽 5X5方格棋盤難題

2021-09-04 15:46:21 字數 2290 閱讀 8963






資料庫平台:適用oracle、ms sql sever,版本(oracle推薦10gr2(包含)以上版本、ms sql sever推薦2008版本)



with test as

(select '1' bit from dual union select '0' from dual),


combostring as

(select replace(sys_connect_by_path(bit,'#'),'#') combo

from test

where level=5

connect by level<=5


combo as

(select substr(combo,1,1) b1,substr(combo,2,1) b2,substr(combo,3,1) b3,substr(combo,4,1) b4,substr(combo,5,1) b5

from combostring),


allcombo as

(select c1.b1||c1.b2||c1.b3||c1.b4||c1.b5||' '||c2.b1||c2.b2||c2.b3||c2.b4||c2.b5||' '||

c3.b1||c3.b2||c3.b3||c3.b4||c3.b5||' '||c4.b1||c4.b2||c4.b3||c4.b4||c4.b5||' '||c5.b1||c5.b2||c5.b3||c5.b4||c5.b5 combo,

rank() over(order by 

c1.b1+c1.b2+c1.b3+c1.b4+c1.b5+ c2.b1+c2.b2+c2.b3+c2.b4+c2.b5+ c3.b1+c3.b2+c3.b3+c3.b4+c3.b5+ c4.b1+c4.b2+c4.b3+c4.b4+c4.b5+ c5.b1+c5.b2+c5.b3+c5.b4+c5.b5 desc) rank

from combo c1,combo c2,combo c3,combo c4,combo c5

where c1.b1+c2.b1+c3.b1+c4.b1+c5.b1<=2

and c1.b2+c2.b2+c3.b2+c4.b2+c5.b2<=2

and c1.b3+c2.b3+c3.b3+c4.b3+c5.b3<=2

and c1.b4+c2.b4+c3.b4+c4.b4+c5.b4<=2

and c1.b5+c2.b5+c3.b5+c4.b5+c5.b5<=2

and c1.b1+c1.b2+c1.b3+c1.b4+c1.b5<=2

and c2.b1+c2.b2+c2.b3+c2.b4+c2.b5<=2

and c3.b1+c3.b2+c3.b3+c3.b4+c3.b5<=2

and c4.b1+c4.b2+c4.b3+c4.b4+c4.b5<=2

and c5.b1+c5.b2+c5.b3+c5.b4+c5.b5<=2

and c1.b1+c2.b2+c3.b3+c4.b4+c5.b5<=2

and c1.b5+c2.b4+c3.b3+c4.b2+c5.b1<=2

and c1.b2+c2.b3+c3.b4+c4.b5<=2

and c2.b1+c3.b2+c4.b3+c5.b4<=2

and c1.b3+c2.b4+c3.b5<=2

and c3.b1+c4.b2+c5.b3<=2

and c1.b4+c2.b3+c3.b2+c4.b1<=2

and c2.b5+c3.b4+c4.b3+c5.b2<=2

and c1.b3+c2.b2+c3.b1<=2

and c3.b5+c4.b4+c5.b3<=2




from allcombo

where rank=1


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