
2021-09-05 09:20:32 字數 4220 閱讀 6290

sql server 跨庫連線插入:

insert  into 本地表

select *

from openrowset('sqloledb ',''; 'sa'; 'password', db.dbo.遠端表);

sql server 複製表:

select * into 新錶 from 舊表
sql server 複製表結構:

select * into 新錶 from 舊表 where 1 = 2
sql server 遠端表匯入本地表:

select * into 本地表 from openrowset( 'sqloledb ', ''; 'sa'; 'password', db(遠端資料庫).dbo.遠端表)
oracle 建選單:

select t.rowid,t.* from ssp_page_menu t where t.show_name like '%%'

select t.rowid,t.* from ssp_page_menu t where t.menu_level like '%'


bakup_time from ssp_page_action t where page_menu_id = ''

oracle 建表及主鍵自增

-- create table

create table psm_fix_main

( objid number(10) not null,

tyre_no number(20),

tyre_backno number(20),

material_id number(20),

erpcode varchar2(20),

out_level varchar2(20),

back_level varchar2(20),

out_date date,

back_date date,

record_time date,

record_user varchar2(20),

bugs varchar2(20)

)tablespace mesdb_data

pctfree 10

initrans 1

maxtrans 255


( initial 16

next 8

minextents 1

maxextents unlimited

);-- add comments to the columns

comment on column psm_fix_main.tyre_no

is '外修胎號';

comment on column psm_fix_main.tyre_backno

is '回歸胎號';

comment on column psm_fix_main.material_id

is '物料id';

comment on column psm_fix_main.erpcode

is 'erp編碼';

comment on column psm_fix_main.out_level

is '外修品級';

comment on column psm_fix_main.back_level

is '回歸品級';

comment on column psm_fix_main.out_date

is '外修時間';

comment on column psm_fix_main.back_date

is '回歸時間';

comment on column psm_fix_main.record_time

is '記錄時間';

comment on column psm_fix_main.record_user

is '記錄人';

comment on column psm_fix_main.bugs

is '病疵';

-- create/recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints

alter table psm_fix_main

add constraint psm_fix_main primary key (objid)

using index

tablespace mesdb_data

pctfree 10

initrans 2

maxtrans 255


( initial 64k

next 1m

minextents 1

maxextents unlimited

);create sequence seq_psm_fix_main_autoinc

minvalue 1

maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999

start with 1

increment by 1


create or replace trigger insert_psm_fix_main_autoinc

before insert on psm_fix_main

for each row


select seq_psm_fix_main_autoinc.nextval into :new.objid from dual;



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