LeetCode 演算法學習 2

2021-09-05 10:30:28 字數 936 閱讀 7271

longest substring without repeating characters

given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

example 1:

input: 「abcabcbb」

output: 3

explanation: the answer is 「abc」, with the length of 3.

example 2:

input: 「bbbbb」

output: 1

explanation: the answer is 「b」, with the length of 1.

example 3:

input: 「pwwkew」

output: 3

explanation: the answer is 「wke」, with the length of 3.

note that the answer must be a substring, 「pwke」 is a subsequence and not a substring.



int lengthoflongestsubstring(string s)  else 

}return max;



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