
2021-09-06 03:51:22 字數 1246 閱讀 3765



不好譯文:according to population figure. china is the largest country in the whole world; and according to area, it is the third largest, only next to russia and canada.


1、漢語「按人口計算」和「按領土面積計算」用面語「according to...「的結構來翻譯,是不確切的。我們中國人往往一見到」按「字,就首先想到翻譯成according to ,或者 in accordance with, 這是不妥的,國為「按」字並不能和according to 或 in accordance with 對等。其實,在這裡可以用 in terms of 這麼乙個短語。表示「就……來說」、「按……來說「,是地道的英語。

2、population figure 裡的figure 可以不要,說population 就可以了,in the whole world 裡的whole 可以不要。 說 in the world 就可以了。it is the third largest 裡的largest 也可以不要, 而承接著前面的結構下來,說 it is the third就可以了。 但「領土面積」只翻譯成area,是不夠的,應當翻譯成territorial area.

3、至於only next to russia and canada 這句話,我們不妨來討論一下:「次於」翻譯成 next to 當然沒借,但我們可以體會到next to 一般是指次於某一件事物,比如人家是第一,你就是第二,人家是第二,你就是第三;現在籠統地說 next to russia and canada 在語義上是不夠清楚的。最好是改變一下說法。如翻譯成 ranking only after russia and canada 或 coming only after russia and canada.

較好譯文: in terms of population, china is the largest country in the world; and in terms of territorial area, it is the third, ranking only after russia and canada.

--如前面所述,ranking only after russia and canada 可以改用 coming only after russia and canada


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