
2021-09-07 23:43:14 字數 1793 閱讀 2742


public class lockbitmap

public int depth

public int width

public int height

public lockbitmap(bitmap source)

/// /// lock bitmap data


public void lockbits()

// lock bitmap and return bitmap data

bitmapdata = source.lockbits(rect, imagelockmode.readwrite,


// create byte array to copy pixel values

int step = depth / 8;

pixels = new byte[pixelcount * step];

iptr = bitmapdata.scan0;

// copy data from pointer to array

marshal.copy(iptr, pixels, 0, pixels.length);

}catch (exception ex)

}/// /// unlock bitmap data


public void unlockbits()

catch (exception ex)

}/// /// get the color of the specified pixel





public color getpixel(int x, int y)

if (depth == 24) // for 24 bpp get red, green and blue

if (depth == 8)

// for 8 bpp get color value (red, green and blue values are the same)

return clr;

}/// /// set the color of the specified pixel





public void setpixel(int x, int y, color color)

if (depth == 24) // for 24 bpp set red, green and blue

if (depth == 8)

// for 8 bpp set color value (red, green and blue values are the same)

}public bool isvalidcoordinate(int x, int y)


public class benchmark

}public static void start()

public static void end()

public static double getseconds()



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