
2021-09-12 15:44:23 字數 3666 閱讀 8001

最近面試問了很多關於索引的事,本來自認為可以對答如流,什麼btree  b+tree啊,什麼like '%abc'和like 『abc%』的區別啊,又是聯合索引a=? and b=? and c=?的判斷啊,很簡單吶,但沒想到啊,這裡面門門道道都可以玩出花來了,現在面試官問問題都是挖著陷阱讓你往裡跳,不講究。


話不多說,實踐出真理,建表建索引 (name,class,age)

create table `newtable` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment ,

`name` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci null default null ,

`class` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci null default null ,

`age` int(11) null default null ,

`weight` double null default null ,

primary key (`id`),

index `name_class_age_index` (`name`, `class`, `age`) using btree


default character set=utf8 collate=utf8_general_ci





同理,name=?  and class=?  也用到了索引,只不過key_len要小一點


觀察key_len=768    如果不寫age=?呢,還是768。

所以沒寫class=?  導致後面的索引都失效了



由於沒用到name    自然沒有用到索引


is null  和 =  沒區別

is not null  後面的引用失效,如果name is not null  則全部失效

explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and  class is  null and  age=22    


explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and class ='123' and age is not null


explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and class is not null and age is not null

--1536 is not null 之後的引用全失效了

explain select * from studentindex where name is not null and class is not null and age is not null

-- alltype name is not null 直接掃瞄全表了


explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and  class ='123' and  age <123

-- 1541

explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and class ='123' and age >123

-- 1541

explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and age >123 and class ='123'

-- 1541


explain select * from studentindex where name='123' and  age != 123 and  class ='123' 

-- all type

explain select * from studentindex where name like '123%'  and  class like '123%' and  age = 123

-- 1541 like 'abc%' 和 = 一樣的意思

explain select * from studentindex where name like '123%' and class not like '123%' and age = 123

-- 768 not like 自身不起作用 且以後的也沒作用

explain select * from studentindex where name like '123%' and class like '%123' and age = 123

-- 768 like '%abc' 和 not like 一樣

explain select * from studentindex where name  like '123%'  or  class  like '1234' and  age = 123

-- all type or 導致索引失效

explain select * from studentindex where name like '123%' and (class like '1234' or age = 123)

-- 768 or 導致括號內部索引失效

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