關於 npm audit 引發的坑

2021-09-13 02:27:10 字數 1128 閱讀 6017

found 2 vulnerabilities (1 low, 1 high)

run 'npm audit fix' to fix them, or 'npm audit' for details

fixed 0 of 2 vulnerabilities in 1295 scanned packages

2 package updates for 5 vulns involved breaking changes

(use `npm audit fix --force` to install breaking changes; or do it by hand)

根據提示嘗試執行 npm audit fix --force,接著就是各種報錯(心塞塞)

首先,是connot find module 『webpack-cli/bin/config -yargs』(應該是剛剛的命令把webpack-dev-server公升級了),檢視package.json,發現webpack(3.xx)和webpack-dev-server(3.xx)版本不相容,webpack需要更新為4.xx版本,於是解除安裝了webpack:npm uninstall webpack,再重新安裝 npm i webpack webpack-cli -d(webpack4.xx以上需要安裝webpack-cli)。

接著又報錯:vue-loader was used without the corresponding plugin. make sure to include vueloaderplugin in your webpack config.


const vueloaderplugin = require('vue-loader/lib/plugin')


plugins: [

new vueloaderplugin()


作為前端小白,有些錯誤也不太明白,靠著網上各位熱心大神,終於決定退回webpack3的版本(/捂臉/捂臉),終於不再報錯了 2333,等我首席技術官進一些再來研究研究。為此,整理一些webpack4的踩坑文章,方便下次學習。感謝!

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